
RentCheck is Canada’s industry leader in tenancy reporting and offers co-ops a saving of up to 77% over other providers for Rental History and Credit Reports. They have served co-op and non-profit housing communities for more than 15 years, helping to select responsible members and locate those who leave owing arrears.

The Deal

RentCheck charges no annual membership fees and no minimum monthly charges!

Members Get


  • Rental History Report includes:
    records of good payment and/or default for housing charges and utilities; compliance or violation of member agreements; illegal property use charges, etc.
  • Credit Report (English or French, from TransUnion and Equifax) includes:
    detailed financial information, such as banking records, consumer loans, credit cards, mortgages, bankruptcies, collections, etc.
  • Credit Scoring is available for an additional $3.00

Prices subject to change without notice.


Brenda J. Maxwell
1-800-661-7312, ext. 221
[email protected]